New Perspectives: This Moment Is The Only Moment

When your coach says you're ready, you're ready. When your friends say you're ready, you're ready. When everything within your heart, mind, and soul says you're ready? Leap.

Today is the day I finally birth this beautiful vision for my life out into the world. This...A Love Styled the realization of a dream so personal that I've never been more scared to be vulnerable and take action than I am in this moment. And despite the fact that I've started other businesses and creative projects, pursued radical ideas, lept off many metaphorical mountains and valleys and cliffs...this time it's radically different.

For perhaps the first time in my life, my dreams, desires, skills, experience and passions are all converging into this beautiful thing that will make a difference and change lives. And for perhaps the first time ever, I know without a shadow of a doubt, this will change everything about my life. 

As I embark on this journey to give of my time and talent, join me here every Wednesday for inspiration, encouragement, lessons, and insight into how you, too, can create such radical shifts in your life. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for believing in me. And thank you for allowing me the gift of working with you to make your dreams come true.

xo - Cynthia

*photo credit // time is now via

Quoted: The Truth Behind Having It All

We all have those people in our lives who inspire us, strengthen us, and motiviate us to stretch beyond ourselves into new possibilities. For me, one of these women is Gina Devee! I'm blessed that we call the same city home, and that I've had the amazing experience of connecting with her in person on more than one occasion. She's truly a revolutionary transformational coach, dedicated to proving the truth that everything AND anything is possible. TRULY... EVEYRTHING! Yet from wealth to travel, the success of her #divineliving philosophy is this:

To Have It All, You Cannot Do It All!
— Gina Devee

Broken down, here's the truth behind her words. First, you can have it all. But second, you cannot create this "have it all" dream life in a vacuum. Creation, at it's very core, is a co-adventure. From impressing God or the universe or infinite source with your intention, to the people you hire in your life to create the space for dreams to manifest in your life. As the event producer for transformational coaches, I see my role as a co-creator in the world of your dreams as it relates to creating truly transformational experiences for your clients.

But this truth? It extends into everything you do and create and live in your life! There is always an answer to our biggest challenges, opportunities, creative outlets, passion projects, desires (etc.). All we have to do is ask, and know...with every fiber of our being...that the answer has already been provided (whether that's a person, a solution, or an inspiration).

Our only job? The simple act of asking! Having it all doesn't get much simpler than that.

Quoted: Be Brave and Start

As you tell your clients, we all know that you can and you should become the person and the entrepreneur that you dream yourself to be. Especially as it comes to holding the space for transformational events, as premier coaches, you know that creating these experiences for your clients as part of your services is pivotal to creating a truly divine life.

The rub, however, comes in the bravery.

The bravery to start.

But if you can reach the bravery within yourself to actually get started, you WILL unequivocally become the person and entrepreneur you dream yourself to be.

Sometimes, however, being brave requires the help of others. And that's where my gifts are here to serve you. Let me be the support you need to be brave. Let's work together and move your life and your business to a level that you've always dreamed of. Because at the end of the day, the only way to move forward is to start. Let's be brave together and get started in building the next level of your business!



* photo credit // the daily quote

Messages: I Will What I Want

Misty Copeland's destiny was not to be a ballerina. But will trumps fate. Follow the Under Armour I WILL WHAT I WANT movement at

These days, everyone seems to have an opinion. On everything. And sometimes, this judgement can become downright debilitating...preventing us from dreaming, doing, and being.  We've all been there, and as coaches, it's the kingpin of your work. The story of Misty Copeland is our answer. Our saving grace. Our reminder that in the end, the only thing that ever really matters is how we see ourselves. #IWillWhatIWant #ALoveStyledLife

Quoted: Travel & A Love Styled Life

There's so much that one can say about the blessings of travel, and I'm pretty sure that every poet alive has attempted to capture the essence of travel's infinite gifts. For me, travel has become both a lifeline and a sanctuary, illuminating my vibration in times of joy and recharging my soul when periods of fear and stress and anxiety creep through the cracks. 

And guess what? This past week was one of those weeks.

My mind and body were so completely tense and exhausted that my go-to list of self-care and relaxation techniques did nothing but add to the frustration of WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING! {have any of you ever experienced this too?!}

So...I packaged a bag, booked a train ticket, and headed to San Diego. And you know what? The instant I boarded the train platform, my heart started to pull back and set into ease. And by the time our train had arrived at the station in San Diego, my whole being was in a perpetual state of peace. With peace, love gets let back in...inspiration comes...and we can once again re-align ourselves with passion and purpose. 

Travel brings power and love back into your life
— Rumi

Rumi truly says it best: Travel {really does} bring love back into your life. And it's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about transformational excursions, intensives and retreats. They force us to travel and once again experience the love within our hearts. It's why I do what I do, and why I believe so very much in helping you create these experiences for both you and your clients. At the end of the day, just like travel, it's the journey that transforms us...and through this transformation, we ultimately change the world. #travelnow #livelovestyled #alovestyledlife

New Perspective: No Where to Now Here

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to living and dreaming and manifesting the life you truly desire. Especially as coaches and solo-preuners, we've set out to transform the perspectives and lives of the people we work with most. But just because we transform the lives of others, doesn't mean that we, too, don't sometimes get stuck within the fear. I can't tell you how many times I've felt paralyzed...whether from fear or simple overwhelm at the distance between where I am and where I'd like to be.

The good news? Get ready to tweet tweet my peeps:

We already have everything we need to move beyond the fear or overwhelm within our lives < via >

And that, my friends, is a simple change in perspective. 

In A Course In Miracles, a return to love (you know, that place of  peace and joy and flow) is as easy as a shift in perspective from fear to love. For instance, look at the picture above. The shift from fear to love comes in the simple exercise of moving a space between words just one small step to the right. And with this one small step right, transformation took place from No Where, to Now Here!

And the beautiful thing is that this shift...this simple jump...becomes the difference in living an average life, to living your life in complete and utter bliss. So my charge this week for all of us? Live your dreams, NOW! Make the move right from whatever struggle is in your life right this very second, and find yourself back within the flow of all-things-love-and-bliss. 

New Perspectives: Decision-Making In The Law Of Attraction

There are times where each and every one of us are going to be called to step forward in life. Sometimes this call comes in the forced circumstance of our human existence, but in many cases, the choice to move forward stems from the brave yearning to be more than the person you are currently allowing yourself to be. In my own world, the last four years have been a true case study in both circumstance and choice, and I've yet again come to a place where the choice to move forward and be brave is calling me forward.

But to be honest, I've never been so scared. So scared in fact, that I began to pray and ask for guidance from God and the Universe to provide the wisdom I needed to make some pretty major decisions related to commitment. And what came up (almost immediately I might add...thank you Universe!) was the answer in the form of a very genius question: WHAT WOULD THE STRONG-CONFIDENT-SUCCESSFUL-JOYOUS-YOU WHO YOU ARE SO YEARNING TO BECOME....WHAT WOULD SHE TELL YOU TO DO?

Of course! How could I have forgotten!

See, in order to become the person we desire, or to curate a life we desire, we have to make our decisions from the place we seek to be (not from the place we are)....otherwise, we just continue the hamster cycle of manifesting our current reality. And I don't know about you, but the thought of being the same person even six months from now is slightly frightening. So I asked myself, what would the strong, confident, successful, joyous woman who is not afraid of commitment say to you right now about this decision? Boom. Bliss.

TWEET THIS -->> "Choose to make decisions as if your future self were making them, and you'll never have to worry about moving forward ever again  -"

Tell me, what decisions are you needing to make? And how would your future self respond? Let me know in the comments below!

pic |  wonderland magazine

Mood Map: June 2014

My mood for June is one of simplification...shifting myself away from the millions of things I want to accomplish this year into three very concrete desires and emotions for the month. In no particular order of importance, I desire to feel:

1. creativity through writing experienced through creating a platform for consistent daily or weekly writing of creative short stories ... such as, The World According To Cindy: Fictional Short Stories Into the History of World (or something like that).

2. silly joy experienced through immersion through other cultures, adventures, and experiences with myself and those I love. 

3. luxury in a new car experienced through beveled leather seats, wood paneling, a large dashboard, and ultimate in giddy comfort.

pics: * dog swim lessons * travel to london, new york, and st barths via air * car dashboards one & two

New Perspectives: You Attract What You Have Faith In

There are so many messages out there for us when it comes to the law of attraction. And in most cases, the clearest message is that every thought you think is attracting to you an experience in your life. Some have even stepped out further to say that your beliefs are the cause, guiding your thoughts to attract things into your life. For me, as somehow who espouses a daily intention to co-create my life with source and the universe through the law of attraction, these two elements of thought and belief alone have mostly come up short. In other words, I've been able to witness to some small degree many things finding their way into my life as the result of a thought or belief. For instance, I've had thoughts that I'm sure you all have experienced...thoughts such as I haven't talked to so or so in a while, or man I'm really craving a night out with the girls...and low and behold within mere seconds or days so and so will give you a call and your best friends will organize a girls only dinner party. It happens time and time again, even with the things you don't necessarily find pleasant. I see this happen to me most often with, I hope I don't hit that traffic on the way to visit family, or I better leave early so I don't hit that traffic...and low and behold, the traffic appears. But the intentional co-creation of big beautiful miraculous changes and dreams for my life has never seemed to work. It's felt almost like battling against a rip tide...pushing and pushing and forcing my way into the creation to no avail.

Today, however, I had the biggest ah ha I've had in years, and the reality of the words and the reaction I had from realizing how very true they were in my life was ridiculous to the point of silly. And the concept is this: You Attract What You Have Faith In. Here's the thing...we can practice appreciation for the things we have in our life, and we can ask God till we're blue in the face for that home or that love or that career or that health...but if we don't have faith that it's taken care of, and if we don't take action from a place of faith....the message we send is one of disbelief. And as we know, and I've come to practice in my life, what we believe is what we experience. So when you dis-believe, the universe brings to you the experience of disbelief. In essence, the kingpin for co-creating the life of your dreams is in fact Faith. Attraction is Faith. And if you take all cues from this place, all action and thought from this place, life can be nothing short of miraculous.

This is my new intention. To have appreciation for the beautiful things in my life, to ask for the desires and dreams of my life to appear, and then live in a place of faith by only being and doing from a place of knowing that it's already done and the details have already been handled. 

Thank you Ali Brown for this simple shift. I can't wait to see what God and I can co-create together from this place. #blessed

Co Creation: The Pivot Process In Action

Today was unbearably hot.

Simple, to the point, hot.

One of the reasons I moved to Santa Barbara was a desire of living in a slightly cooler climate than the often crippling heat of Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Dreams of ocean breezes and cool fogged in mornings had me hooked from day one. But today... today (and yesterday, and the day before yesterday) became stagnant with miserable warmth, and as a result, my MOOD was teetering on the edge of stagnant and miserable. Life truly presented a real opportunity to test my desire for joy and love, as well as my level of ease in pivoting my life from one styled in angst, to one styled in love.  

Here's a bit how the process went:

First, I honored my angst. It is, afterall, a reminder that I am more than just this body and this world, but that I am a spirit being part of something much greater than myself. That, and, it was a warning sign that my thoughts and emotions and beliefs were veering off course from love. 

After a simple thank you under my breath, I turned to to my inner self and asked the simple question, what do I desire? Cold air, kind weather, cool breezes, ease in sleeping, walking breathing.

Next, I counted my blessings: 1) Wow...i'm so lucky that warm weather is all I'm dealing with right now, since so many of my friends and friends of friends are having to evacuate their homes from fires, or stay inside for fear of flash flood warnings and tornadoes. 2) I am healthy enough to find comfort from the heat by taking a walk, sitting in the cooler grass at the park, and driving my nicely air conditioned car around town to cool down. 3) I have easy access to cold water at my disposal with my nice refreshing shower, whereby I can easily cool down and get some sleep. 

Finally, I said a quick prayer. Thank you God for my life, my blessings, and the choice to experience this world how I desire. Thank you for cold air, cool breezes, and cold water. Thank you for love, and for working with me to style my life in it.

The simplicity of the pivot process is that, really...the heat doesn't necessarily instantly go away. But its power over my emotions does. And in any situation, no matter what it is, you have a choice. And for me, I choose a love styled life every time. Some days are easier than others, some pivot opportunities easier than others...but in the end, the choice is ours. And that in and of itself is a beautiful thing.