
New Perspectives: Overcoming The Fear Preventing Our Success

As I continued to send out my A Love Styled Life Survey this week, it hit me just how much we let fear take control of truly creating the life of our dreams. In almost every single response (and yes, I mean every single response), many of you said that the support you need most in finally creating transformational events for your coaching business was in conducting the process of marketing and selling. And I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by these answers. Why? Each and every response was from a powerful and successful premier coach, who had already leapt and built big and beautiful and successful businesses through very specific, and very targeted marketing and sales channels. And more than that, each and every one of them had built-in support teams (from small teams to large teams) that could easily succeed in the task of marketing and selling their events.

But what I heard beyond this, was something much much bigger:


Fear in not being good enough, not being able to sell enough, no making enough money. Fear in putting all your blood, sweat and tears into creating this beautiful event only to find that no one wants to sign up. Fear of being vulnerable...of being face to face and heart to heart with this tribe of people you serve from behind a computer screen or a telephone. Fear of being judged, or disappointing these people that you so desire to serve.

The thing about fear is that it paralyzes us from allowing the magic of God and the Universe to flow through our lives and create miracles....from allowing dreams and desires to manifest...from allowing us to up-level our lives and our businesses. 

I can help you move through the fear!

This is my passion, and a big part of the work we'll do together in the Love Styled Vision Intensive.

Success is not only possible, it's a given. It's our right. We are worthy of it. We just have to make the leap to moving forward. All it takes is a shift in perspective from fear to love.

Let's start the shift...together!

xo - Cynthia

Ps: Ready to get started? Join me in Seattle in November, and enjoy a bit of #divineliving while busting through the fear and finding the clarity of your vision for your transformational event. Need more information? Click here and let's hop on a call and connect!  

Co Creation: The Pivot Process In Action

Today was unbearably hot.

Simple, to the point, hot.

One of the reasons I moved to Santa Barbara was a desire of living in a slightly cooler climate than the often crippling heat of Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Dreams of ocean breezes and cool fogged in mornings had me hooked from day one. But today... today (and yesterday, and the day before yesterday) became stagnant with miserable warmth, and as a result, my MOOD was teetering on the edge of stagnant and miserable. Life truly presented a real opportunity to test my desire for joy and love, as well as my level of ease in pivoting my life from one styled in angst, to one styled in love.  

Here's a bit how the process went:

First, I honored my angst. It is, afterall, a reminder that I am more than just this body and this world, but that I am a spirit being part of something much greater than myself. That, and, it was a warning sign that my thoughts and emotions and beliefs were veering off course from love. 

After a simple thank you under my breath, I turned to to my inner self and asked the simple question, what do I desire? Cold air, kind weather, cool breezes, ease in sleeping, walking breathing.

Next, I counted my blessings: 1) Wow...i'm so lucky that warm weather is all I'm dealing with right now, since so many of my friends and friends of friends are having to evacuate their homes from fires, or stay inside for fear of flash flood warnings and tornadoes. 2) I am healthy enough to find comfort from the heat by taking a walk, sitting in the cooler grass at the park, and driving my nicely air conditioned car around town to cool down. 3) I have easy access to cold water at my disposal with my nice refreshing shower, whereby I can easily cool down and get some sleep. 

Finally, I said a quick prayer. Thank you God for my life, my blessings, and the choice to experience this world how I desire. Thank you for cold air, cool breezes, and cold water. Thank you for love, and for working with me to style my life in it.

The simplicity of the pivot process is that, really...the heat doesn't necessarily instantly go away. But its power over my emotions does. And in any situation, no matter what it is, you have a choice. And for me, I choose a love styled life every time. Some days are easier than others, some pivot opportunities easier than others...but in the end, the choice is ours. And that in and of itself is a beautiful thing.