
MAKE IT HAPPEN MONDAY: This Week's Love Styled Intention

December 1st...DECEMBER 1ST?! How did we already make it to the last month of the year?Time is flying fast, and before you know it, we'll be counting down to midnight and signing the haunting melody of Auld Lang Syne. Craziness!

As we prepare to enter the last moments of this incredible year, today I launch a new post series: Make It Happen Monday. Each week, I will set the stage with my intentions here on the blog (as I do every week on Monday in my journal). My goal for the remainder of the year (and for this blog from this point forward) is to be more transparent in my I truly live A LOVE STYLED LIFE every single day. I hope to inspire each and everyone of you (both as women entrepreuners and as human beings dedicated to living a truly joyous, dream centered life) to do the same and to realize that it truly is possible.

My MIM Intentions for this week? SERENITY, SILLINESS, AND STRENGTH.

1. SERENITY: This week I focus on remaining calm, peaceful and untroubled. I am confident in everything I am doing, every dream I am dreaming, and every step I am taking, knowing that I am provided for and that I CAN be and do anything in my life.

2. SILLINESS: This week, I commit to doing something silly...every single day. I've already planned a few things for this week in advance, such as attending our local La Arcada Christmas walk on Wednesday, Santa Barbara's First Thursday Art Walk on (you guessed it) Thursday, and a trip home to see family this weekend and to celebrate my Dad's birthday. But I'm also leaving some fun and silliness up to the universe. A last minute hike with friends? A funny movie? An impromptu dance off in my living room to 90's Hip Hop? We shall see!

3. STRENGTH: I'm expecting big leaps this week. And I need all the strength of conviction I can get this week as I manifest some pretty amazing things. So...I'm borrowing the strength of this Elk, confident in myself enough to stand tall and look life dead in the eye, without having to make any noise to prove anything. Just silent confident and strength. Amen.

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! Tell me, in the comments below, three things you are intending in your life and your business this week. And share with me online via Instagram how you're making it happen, using the hashtag #MakeItHappenMonday. Looking forward to a great week, and hearing from you al! xo - Cynthia

If one of your intentions this week is to take action of receiving support to grow your business? Consider working with me!


New Perspective: No Where to Now Here

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to living and dreaming and manifesting the life you truly desire. Especially as coaches and solo-preuners, we've set out to transform the perspectives and lives of the people we work with most. But just because we transform the lives of others, doesn't mean that we, too, don't sometimes get stuck within the fear. I can't tell you how many times I've felt paralyzed...whether from fear or simple overwhelm at the distance between where I am and where I'd like to be.

The good news? Get ready to tweet tweet my peeps:

We already have everything we need to move beyond the fear or overwhelm within our lives < via >

And that, my friends, is a simple change in perspective. 

In A Course In Miracles, a return to love (you know, that place of  peace and joy and flow) is as easy as a shift in perspective from fear to love. For instance, look at the picture above. The shift from fear to love comes in the simple exercise of moving a space between words just one small step to the right. And with this one small step right, transformation took place from No Where, to Now Here!

And the beautiful thing is that this shift...this simple jump...becomes the difference in living an average life, to living your life in complete and utter bliss. So my charge this week for all of us? Live your dreams, NOW! Make the move right from whatever struggle is in your life right this very second, and find yourself back within the flow of all-things-love-and-bliss.