New Perspective: No Where to Now Here

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to living and dreaming and manifesting the life you truly desire. Especially as coaches and solo-preuners, we've set out to transform the perspectives and lives of the people we work with most. But just because we transform the lives of others, doesn't mean that we, too, don't sometimes get stuck within the fear. I can't tell you how many times I've felt paralyzed...whether from fear or simple overwhelm at the distance between where I am and where I'd like to be.

The good news? Get ready to tweet tweet my peeps:

We already have everything we need to move beyond the fear or overwhelm within our lives < via >

And that, my friends, is a simple change in perspective. 

In A Course In Miracles, a return to love (you know, that place of  peace and joy and flow) is as easy as a shift in perspective from fear to love. For instance, look at the picture above. The shift from fear to love comes in the simple exercise of moving a space between words just one small step to the right. And with this one small step right, transformation took place from No Where, to Now Here!

And the beautiful thing is that this shift...this simple jump...becomes the difference in living an average life, to living your life in complete and utter bliss. So my charge this week for all of us? Live your dreams, NOW! Make the move right from whatever struggle is in your life right this very second, and find yourself back within the flow of all-things-love-and-bliss.