
Lessons From A Break up: Proof That Everything Really Is All Good

Trust me, I know...hearing the phrase Everything Happens For a Reason isn't something that's easy to hear, especially when you're in the middle of a major life crisis. the Holiday Season is in full swing, hearing this phrase while dealing with long lines, busy traffic, and often overwhelming family/friend/work commitments doesn't make any of it better.

Here's the interesting thing though...Everything Happens For a Reason, as it's mostly commonly understood, is only half of the story. When you're creating a dream life and working to style yourself in love, INTENTIONS and RESOLUTIONS are the name of the game. Knowing what you desire and standing for nothing less, sets the Universe in motion to bring into your life the people, resources, circumstances, and opportunities for you to experience that desire. This is how The Law of Attraction works. But 9 times out of 10, these people, resources, circumstance and opportunities are going to look nothing like you pictured them to look. Your job is to stay open and trust that all will unfold beautifully as it's supposed to (even when everything looks like it's failing). Everything WILL Happen For A Reason if you're open to experiencing meaning out of EVERY experience in your life.

Jordan Axani is perfect the best example of this.

If you didn't read about his amazing story on this morning, then let me give you a recap: Jordan and his girlfriend Elizabeth Gallagher broke up. After they had purchased tickets for an around the world vacation excursion. And the tickets were non-refundable or transferable. Determined to still experience the trip and not waste a single dollar of his investment, Jordan set out to find another woman with the exact same name to take with him, and posted an open call via a post on Reddit.

Now Here's Where Things Get Amazing. As you can imagine, yes...Jordan found another Elizabeth Gallagher to go on the trip. And they take off for New York, Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi on December 21. But the miracle, and the manifestation...proving that everything Really Is All Good...comes not from the story of finding another Elizabeth, or from the amazing opportunity Jordan still has to go on his dream adventure. No, the true miracle and manifestation from this whole breakup fiasco came from the over one thousand email replies to the Reddit posting that he received. One in particular, from an 8 year-old boy who was going blind and dreamed to see the world before his site was gone, sparked Jordan and his brother to start an organization called A Ticket Forward, which aims to elevate the quality of people's lives by facilitating the connection for individuals with people and places that matter to them most. 

By not giving up, and standing for nothing less than his dream experience of traveling the world, Jordan not only gets to do just that...but also, he gets to shape the world. And my guess is, this new venture with A Ticket Forward was the answer to a deeper dream and desire within Jordan to make a difference on a grand scale. And it all happened because of a breakup...proving in beautiful detail that Everything REALLY DOES Happen For A Reason.

Jordan's fearlessness is inspiring. But staying open to make living the life of your dreams a non-negotiable is often easier said than done. The trick? Having someone who believes in you and supports you in creating your dream life, every step of the way. That is the mission of A Love Styled Life, and my personal passion and purpose as a Love Stylist and Dream Mentor.

So in the spirit of support and mentoring at one of the craziest times of the year, I've put together a FREE class series next week titled:

"Master Your Resolutions: The Only 3 Things Required to Live Your Dream Life in 2015"

 In each hour of this amazing three part class, I'll share with you the ONLY 3 THINGS you need to start living A Love Styled Life...not tomorrow, or on January 1st with your New Year's Resolutions...but today. And don't worry, if you can't make the calls live, they'll be recorded and emailed to you after the broadcast. 

Call #1: Monday, 12/22 at 6pm

Call #2: Tuesday 12/23 @ 6pm

Call #3: Wednesday 12/24 @ 10am

So what do you have to lose? Take a lesson from Jordan...CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE CLASS, and learn the ONLY 3 THINGS required to master your resolutions and start living your dream life, today!

MAKE IT HAPPEN MONDAY: This Week's Love Styled Intention

December 1st...DECEMBER 1ST?! How did we already make it to the last month of the year?Time is flying fast, and before you know it, we'll be counting down to midnight and signing the haunting melody of Auld Lang Syne. Craziness!

As we prepare to enter the last moments of this incredible year, today I launch a new post series: Make It Happen Monday. Each week, I will set the stage with my intentions here on the blog (as I do every week on Monday in my journal). My goal for the remainder of the year (and for this blog from this point forward) is to be more transparent in my I truly live A LOVE STYLED LIFE every single day. I hope to inspire each and everyone of you (both as women entrepreuners and as human beings dedicated to living a truly joyous, dream centered life) to do the same and to realize that it truly is possible.

My MIM Intentions for this week? SERENITY, SILLINESS, AND STRENGTH.

1. SERENITY: This week I focus on remaining calm, peaceful and untroubled. I am confident in everything I am doing, every dream I am dreaming, and every step I am taking, knowing that I am provided for and that I CAN be and do anything in my life.

2. SILLINESS: This week, I commit to doing something silly...every single day. I've already planned a few things for this week in advance, such as attending our local La Arcada Christmas walk on Wednesday, Santa Barbara's First Thursday Art Walk on (you guessed it) Thursday, and a trip home to see family this weekend and to celebrate my Dad's birthday. But I'm also leaving some fun and silliness up to the universe. A last minute hike with friends? A funny movie? An impromptu dance off in my living room to 90's Hip Hop? We shall see!

3. STRENGTH: I'm expecting big leaps this week. And I need all the strength of conviction I can get this week as I manifest some pretty amazing things. So...I'm borrowing the strength of this Elk, confident in myself enough to stand tall and look life dead in the eye, without having to make any noise to prove anything. Just silent confident and strength. Amen.

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! Tell me, in the comments below, three things you are intending in your life and your business this week. And share with me online via Instagram how you're making it happen, using the hashtag #MakeItHappenMonday. Looking forward to a great week, and hearing from you al! xo - Cynthia

If one of your intentions this week is to take action of receiving support to grow your business? Consider working with me!


New Perspectives: When The Questions Surface, Be Still And Let The Answers Come

As entrepreneurs, we're wired for action. We crave creating and doing and building, as if our entire life and business depend on our ability to do so. And to some degree, this is true. But what do you do when the questions surface? Or the direction of your business doesn't feel quite right? What do you do when you know you have more to offer (i.e. in your programs, products, offerings, etc...)? When you want to create new things that don't necessarily align with where you've set the direction of your business? What do you do when you feel paralyzed by all the creative possibilities running through your heart?

The only thing you can do and should do...

Be still.

I can tell you from first hand experience, it's the only thing you MUST DO. Answers and truth can ONLY find you in the stillness. And it's in the stillness that magic and miracles live, where the right ideas and the right people will find you, providing the beautiful solutions to the worries of your heart. This was my week. And this is how my answers came. I was still. And I listened. And now? I take action (more on the exciting and expansive changes coming to my work in the coming week). 

For creatives, getting still can be a challenge. So here are three quick tips for finding stillness in the business of your day to day life:

1. Disconnect! Put away the cell phone, and go for a walk without it. I know what a radical concept this is, but I promise that over time, you'll crave that time away from your clients and your apps. 

2. Free write! With paper. And a pencil (yes, a pencil...not a pen or a computer...a pencil). There's something simple and nostalgic about putting paper to pencil, and it ignites within you a time when things were likely quieter and simpler. Try it...first for 15 minutes. Don't stop, and don't judge what shows up. Just write, and see what happens.

3. Meditate! Yes I know...everyone says it, but honestly, it works. Close your eyes, sit still, and allow yourself to just be. Start with five minutes, and expand from there. Take one breath at a time, and just sit within your thoughts. Don't judge what comes up, but find peace in each and every moment of breath.

At the end of the day, everything starts in the stillness. Find the stillness within the noise, and the magic and miracles will find there way to you.

Quoted: The Truth Behind Having It All

We all have those people in our lives who inspire us, strengthen us, and motiviate us to stretch beyond ourselves into new possibilities. For me, one of these women is Gina Devee! I'm blessed that we call the same city home, and that I've had the amazing experience of connecting with her in person on more than one occasion. She's truly a revolutionary transformational coach, dedicated to proving the truth that everything AND anything is possible. TRULY... EVEYRTHING! Yet from wealth to travel, the success of her #divineliving philosophy is this:

To Have It All, You Cannot Do It All!
— Gina Devee

Broken down, here's the truth behind her words. First, you can have it all. But second, you cannot create this "have it all" dream life in a vacuum. Creation, at it's very core, is a co-adventure. From impressing God or the universe or infinite source with your intention, to the people you hire in your life to create the space for dreams to manifest in your life. As the event producer for transformational coaches, I see my role as a co-creator in the world of your dreams as it relates to creating truly transformational experiences for your clients.

But this truth? It extends into everything you do and create and live in your life! There is always an answer to our biggest challenges, opportunities, creative outlets, passion projects, desires (etc.). All we have to do is ask, and know...with every fiber of our being...that the answer has already been provided (whether that's a person, a solution, or an inspiration).

Our only job? The simple act of asking! Having it all doesn't get much simpler than that.