New Perspectives: The Importance Of The Dress Rehearsal In The Manifesting Process

In today's New Perspectives post, I talk a lot about that common phrase we often hear in the Law of Attraction circles...Fake It Until You Make It. This phrase has always felt a bit in-authentic to me, and has often stopped me from truly engaging with my dream. Find out how a simple shift in the language we can use, enabled my heart to better align with feeling the life we dream to live.

For the full message and beautiful reminder, listen to Danielle's audio below:

Messages: You Pick Your Life

It often happens in the most inconspicuous of moments, but in almost every interaction of almost every day, there are signs from God and the universe reminding you just how very simple living the life of your dreams can be. In this case, while apple picking and shooting editorial for a friend's blog...the universe was very clear and very literall: U PICK. #messagereceived.

Since I've already picked my desires for the year (and month and week), my only task now is to be in a place of joy and excitement and love and wonder. And today I did I'm doing just that... heading north for a little wine tasting fun, shopping, and some foodie indulgence with a friend that I haven't seen in ages. Tell me: How will you be living #lovestyled today?