When your coach says you're ready, you're ready. When your friends say you're ready, you're ready. When everything within your heart, mind, and soul says you're ready? Leap.
Today is the day I finally birth this beautiful vision for my life out into the world. This...A Love Styled Life...is the realization of a dream so personal that I've never been more scared to be vulnerable and take action than I am in this moment. And despite the fact that I've started other businesses and creative projects, pursued radical ideas, lept off many metaphorical mountains and valleys and cliffs...this time it's radically different.
For perhaps the first time in my life, my dreams, desires, skills, experience and passions are all converging into this beautiful thing that will make a difference and change lives. And for perhaps the first time ever, I know without a shadow of a doubt, this will change everything about my life.
As I embark on this journey to give of my time and talent, join me here every Wednesday for inspiration, encouragement, lessons, and insight into how you, too, can create such radical shifts in your life. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for believing in me. And thank you for allowing me the gift of working with you to make your dreams come true.
xo - Cynthia
*photo credit // time is now via dariadaria.com