overcoming stress

Quoted: Travel & A Love Styled Life

There's so much that one can say about the blessings of travel, and I'm pretty sure that every poet alive has attempted to capture the essence of travel's infinite gifts. For me, travel has become both a lifeline and a sanctuary, illuminating my vibration in times of joy and recharging my soul when periods of fear and stress and anxiety creep through the cracks. 

And guess what? This past week was one of those weeks.

My mind and body were so completely tense and exhausted that my go-to list of self-care and relaxation techniques did nothing but add to the frustration of WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING! {have any of you ever experienced this too?!}

So...I packaged a bag, booked a train ticket, and headed to San Diego. And you know what? The instant I boarded the train platform, my heart started to pull back and set into ease. And by the time our train had arrived at the station in San Diego, my whole being was in a perpetual state of peace. With peace, love gets let back in...inspiration comes...and we can once again re-align ourselves with passion and purpose. 

Travel brings power and love back into your life
— Rumi

Rumi truly says it best: Travel {really does} bring love back into your life. And it's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about transformational excursions, intensives and retreats. They force us to travel and once again experience the love within our hearts. It's why I do what I do, and why I believe so very much in helping you create these experiences for both you and your clients. At the end of the day, just like travel, it's the journey that transforms us...and through this transformation, we ultimately change the world. #travelnow #livelovestyled #alovestyledlife