inspired action

New Perspective: The Answer Is In Our Anticipated Memory

As you know, this week my website (and my business) launched to the public. Having worked behind the scenes for so long, seeing my passion shared with you (those I seek to serve most) has truly been a dream come true. Thank you to each and everyone of you for your support and your is appreciated more than you know!

With all that said, I have to admit, at the end of my first day I struggled...struggled with the big giant question of WHAT NEXT? Having spent so much of my time and focus on the project of creating a strategic plan for my business (and of course, the rollout of my new website), I felt a bit lost. I knew I needed to take action on the next big phase of my work, but finding an answer to what exactly?

I was drawing a complete blank.

And to be completely honest? It freaked me out. How could I really move forward with growing my business to the next phase, when I had no idea what NEXT really looked and felt like?

 So I did what I always do in times of great ambiguity: I surrendered the answer to God and The Universe, and released the worry to faith that my question would be answered. JUST BE COOL, I kept saying...the answer will come.

And just like clockwork, the very next day it did...from perhaps the MOST UNLIKELY PERSON EVER: My teenage niece. Specifically? The way my niece's generation perceives life through their everyday (and often obsessive) interaction with Instagram.

Yes, you read that right...


As you'll see in this short and amazing video below, my niece's generation approaches life through the anticipated memory of each and every moment. They not only experience life from the perspective of their future self...but they are also taking action from the memory they expect their future self to experience of each moment.

And while so much can be said about this, especially as it relates to the Law of Attraction and the process of manifesting your dreams, the biggest message this generation can teach us is this:

Our decisions, actions, thoughts, visualizations, strategies, etc...ALL OF THIS SHOULD BE GUIDED BY THE FUTURE SELF WE SEE OURSELVES BECOMING. 

After watching the video, for me in that moment I knew what I needed to do (and I started to take action based on the person and entrepreneur I saw myself being 1 year from that very moment). The irony of the message? It's the same process I take you through when working to create transformational events: starting from the transformed place you visualize your clients being at the end of the event and working backwards from there.

At the end of the day, the message was a simple yet important reminder that the answer to everything we truly need is already within us. So when the ambiguity and the fear start to bubble to the surface, all we have to do is ask for the answer and JUST BE COOLknowing with unwavering faith that the answer is only moments away from bubbling to the surface. 

Tell me, what was your biggest take away from my niece, this video, and her generation? I'd love to hear from you, so leave a message in the comments below.

Wishing you #ALoveStyledLife week! xo - Cynthia

*image source // glitter guide tumblr  

New Perspectives: This Moment Is The Only Moment

When your coach says you're ready, you're ready. When your friends say you're ready, you're ready. When everything within your heart, mind, and soul says you're ready? Leap.

Today is the day I finally birth this beautiful vision for my life out into the world. This...A Love Styled the realization of a dream so personal that I've never been more scared to be vulnerable and take action than I am in this moment. And despite the fact that I've started other businesses and creative projects, pursued radical ideas, lept off many metaphorical mountains and valleys and cliffs...this time it's radically different.

For perhaps the first time in my life, my dreams, desires, skills, experience and passions are all converging into this beautiful thing that will make a difference and change lives. And for perhaps the first time ever, I know without a shadow of a doubt, this will change everything about my life. 

As I embark on this journey to give of my time and talent, join me here every Wednesday for inspiration, encouragement, lessons, and insight into how you, too, can create such radical shifts in your life. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for believing in me. And thank you for allowing me the gift of working with you to make your dreams come true.

xo - Cynthia

*photo credit // time is now via