There are times where each and every one of us are going to be called to step forward in life. Sometimes this call comes in the forced circumstance of our human existence, but in many cases, the choice to move forward stems from the brave yearning to be more than the person you are currently allowing yourself to be. In my own world, the last four years have been a true case study in both circumstance and choice, and I've yet again come to a place where the choice to move forward and be brave is calling me forward.
But to be honest, I've never been so scared. So scared in fact, that I began to pray and ask for guidance from God and the Universe to provide the wisdom I needed to make some pretty major decisions related to commitment. And what came up (almost immediately I might add...thank you Universe!) was the answer in the form of a very genius question: WHAT WOULD THE STRONG-CONFIDENT-SUCCESSFUL-JOYOUS-YOU WHO YOU ARE SO YEARNING TO BECOME....WHAT WOULD SHE TELL YOU TO DO?
Of course! How could I have forgotten!
See, in order to become the person we desire, or to curate a life we desire, we have to make our decisions from the place we seek to be (not from the place we are)....otherwise, we just continue the hamster cycle of manifesting our current reality. And I don't know about you, but the thought of being the same person even six months from now is slightly frightening. So I asked myself, what would the strong, confident, successful, joyous woman who is not afraid of commitment say to you right now about this decision? Boom. Bliss.
TWEET THIS -->> "Choose to make decisions as if your future self were making them, and you'll never have to worry about moving forward ever again -"
Tell me, what decisions are you needing to make? And how would your future self respond? Let me know in the comments below!
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