welcome to live you + thrive
Thank you for registering, and congratulations on taking the first step in living your own bespoke version of A Love Styled Life! Your Day One, Class One session is on the way, so be sure to check your email inbox shortly. But before we get started, I've got a couple free goodies for you below.
First, a welcome message directly from me to you...where I share a bit more about my story, why this masterclass is so important, and how this work can change the trajectory of your life & livelihood. And second, your FREE desktop background download. Keep scrolling down for all the goods!
Again, this three day masterclass is filled with all the basics for getting back to YOU...because, what I've come to know is that KNOWING, LOVING, AND LIVING the real authentic YOU will create massive shifts in the quality of your life & the success within your business and/or career. Each day of this training will cover one of the three styling principles of A Love Styled Life:
Principle Number One: KNOW YOU
Principle Number Two: LOVE YOU
Principle Number Three: LIVE YOU
But, I'm not just about talking the talk here, lovely. I'm all about walking the walk and experiencing real results...so each class will offer simple exercises and action steps for you to implement into your life, business, and career straight away.
The goal?
For you to experience the amazing freedom and transformation that comes from living your own bespoke version of A Love Styled Life ... starting with class number one.
There is one very important caveat I always like to share ahead of time.
Just like anything else in life...You will get out of this training what you put into it. So, I'm asking you to commit yourself to this work for the next 3 days. And for better results, have a friend join you on the journey! Just send her over to the webpage to sign-up: www.alovestyledlife.com/liveyouandthrive
Also...If you're really serious about making changes within your life AND taking your business and career to the next level NOW... simply click the button below to book a complimentary discovery session with me. We'll have a brief chat, I'll provide some quick insight and clarity around your next steps, and...if appropriate...discuss how I can more deeply support you in taking your life & livelihood to the next level.
A Short Message From Me To You
Oh, and...don't forget to download your free desktop background!
Just click on the image below...
One last note...whether you know it or not, by saying YES to this training you've actually already taken a big leap forward in making your dream life a reality.
So first order of business?
Time to give yourself one big giant #selfie high-five!
Cheers to living your own bespoke version of A Love Styled Life!
life stylist | author | speaker