YOU are the reason I do what I do, and I'm feel so blessed to be part of your journey in living #ALOVESTYLEDLIFE. To help inspire other women to pursue their dreams, I'd be delighted if you would give me a few minutes of your time to answer these questions related to our work together. So… If you feel called, we would love to hear how your session went so we can share it as a testimonial. Thank your from the bottom of my heart, in advance!
Feel free to send to us in written form, voice note, or video via email/Messenger/or social media... whatever is easiest and most convenient for you. And the more YOU and heart felt it is, the better. And if you do decide you’d like to share via a video or post on social media, we would love you to tag us at…
Instagram — @love_styled, using #alovestyledlife + #ilovemyhumandesign #personaldesignassessment
Facebook — @ALoveStyledLife and/or @cynthiabeard
Here are some prompts you can answer or you can simply freestyle to what’s speaking to your heart!
How you were feeling prior to your session?
What doubts or fears did you have about investing in the session?
What ultimately made you say hell yes to investing in knowing your Human Design through this experience?
What did you want to get out of the session?
Did you get what you came for?
What, if anything surprised you about it?
What did you leave feeling/knowing/experiencing?
What immediate results/shifts/decisions were you able to make as a result of this experience? Feel free to share both tangible and intangible!
What do you now know is possible and available for you because of this?
Why would you recommend someone invest in learning their Human Design and working with Cynthia?
3 more quick things…
ONE… If you have feedback on the session itself, how it was delivered, what could be improved, please don’t hesitate to let me know via the form below
TWO… Also, know someone who could use a session like this? We would love your referrals. Feel free to have them email me directly at, and mention that they were referred by you!
THREE… Lastly, I would love for you to join my community of women just like you… who are curious and committed to understanding the beauty of what makes them unique, and developing a solid and extraordinary relationship with their own internal guidance and intuition. It’s my free FB community called The Joy Accelerator Membership Society… simply click on the link, and request to join. I go LIVE in this group frequently, and provide insight, trainings, and coaching around Human Design, living authentically, and accelerating the joy in your life experience. I look forward to connecting with you more there!
Thank you again, and I look forward to working with you again soon!